Hair transplant with CHOÏ INSERTERS or FUE Saphir or FUT hair transplant: what are the differences?

The purpose of a hair implant, beard, moustache or eyebrow transplant is to cover a totally bare area or to densify a bald or sparse area.

To restore hair, the doctor at our hair transplant centre in Luxembourg has mastered various solutions: the hair transplant with CHOÏ inserters, the FUE Saphir hair transplant and the FUT method.

The FUE Saphir capillary grafting technique is a particularly effective and safe process. Offering long-lasting and natural results, the FUE hair transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction) allows to find hair and hair provided and resistant.

The principle of the FUE Saphir capillary graft is to take hair follicles on the donor area under local and individual anesthesia and to re-implant them one by one on the bald areas (recipients). This grafting technique is a non-invasive and scar-free procedure that is almost painless and helps reduce healing time. Indeed, to take the grafts and reimplanter, the doctor of the Clinique du Carré d’Or in Luxembourg, performs with a sapphire blade, extremely fine micro-incisions (1 to 0.7 mm in diameter). 

Before these technological advances revolutionized the field of hair restoration, we favoured hair transplantation with CHOÏ inserters. To inject the graft into the scalp, we used a CHOÏ implant. This stylus is a medical device with a spring system, at the end of which is a small needle with grooved and bevelled tip. This hair injector pen allows you to insert the implant without first making an incision or a reception hole.

As for the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) hair transplant, it is an old method that was carried out in the block. Also known as a strip technique, the FUT graft consisted of removing a strip of scalp from the hippocratic crown (at the back of the head, above the nape) and suturing it with staples in the bald areas.

Note that to ensure a particularly aesthetic, dense and natural result, we favor in our hair transplant center in Luxembourg, the FUE Saphir hair transplant technique. 

Book an appointment with our hair surgery specialists for a free hair transplant consultation!

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